Translating While Keeping the Original Emotions Intact
Since ages, translation has been one of the most powerful ways to interconnect cultures, in a literary sense, all over the world. It is one timeless art form that has retained its value. This is one of the reasons, why providing professional translation services has grown popular and acquired the reputation of a skill that is rare and sought-after in the modern times.
However, reputation comes with a burden of responsibility. The abstract nature of translation services makes it even more complicated. There are no fixed rules, or rights and wrongs, so to say. Yet, the biggest challenge is to safely transcend the original emotions from the source language into the target language. And it is often the unintentional disruption of the emotional composure of the text that worries the translator.
Connecting With the Audience of the Target Language
Well, the best translation is that which the readers can enjoy and relate to. It is important for any translation agency to understand that translation is not just about two languages, but two cultures trying to know each other better. Unless the content is being rendered in such a way that it evokes the same emotion in the hearts of the audiences of the target language as it would do to the readers of the language of original work, the purpose has been defeated.
Amongst the many traits of effective communication, the success of the encoding and decoding of the message relies on the speaker (here, the translator). In the case of transposing the text, the decoding should be done on both the textual and emotional level. The bottom line is to understand and remember who the receivers are.
Playing with the Idioms and Proverbs
Every language is embellished with its own idioms and proverbs. People are sort of proud of them. These colloquial ways of communication are close to their hearts, as they represent the cultural values of their ancestors. This becomes especially important when delivering the language translation services.
For the readers, it is always a delight to stumble upon their local phrases while reading a translated version of some other language. Carrying a sweet fragrance of their homeland, it builds up a connection between the audience and the content.
Favoring the Soul and Emotion Over Technicality
Unless it is about providing some strict legal translation services, a rather culturally-influenced text wins over the “technically correct” one. There is a fine line between deciphering the right meaning and inserting a personal opinion. Nonetheless, an adamance to mechanically adhering to every word of the source text makes it completely dull.
For a rational and perceptive translation, a translation service provider must strive to protect the soul of the source language. At the same time, it should be made sure that the emotions of the target text are not blotched, even if it means going a little off the track. After all, translation is about conveying an idea the way the original work wanted it to convey, it’s not about replacing words of one language with their equivalents in other.
Localization of the Tone and Expression
A language is like a river, profusely dividing into the tributaries of multiple dialects. The shades and moods of each dialect are different. It is essential to catch that mood of the target audiences. This rule comes in handy when delivering the marketing translation services to a client.
Some languages are quite expressive and are decorated with rising and falling intonations. While others may sound a little flat or neutral when compared, with an equal stress on every syllable it comprises. A translation has been done well as long as the content gratifies the ethnicity of the target language. For example, providing English to Chinese translation services may call for some unconventional approaches to the translation techniques in order to bridge the gap between the two languages.
Less is More and Vice-Versa
Translating content from one language into another changes the shape and size of the content. That means, what can be said in four words in English, might need a twice as many to express the same idea in Hindi. A company providing authentic website translation services keeps in mind this dynamic nature of languages.
A rise or dip in the text amount should not scare the translator as long as the content is not being mutilated. To maintain the original essence, at times, it becomes unavoidable to put the rules aside and just go with the flow.